Day 9 – theeeeere he is agaaaain!

10171665_10152183719830698_7361679885432071990_n 10422926_10152183718805698_5905072487285809294_nThe 10 day intervention is drawing to a close! Doing multiple, uncomfortable acts for the past 8 days has been challenging, but quite interesting. Yesterday’s flag-carrying expedition made me feel uncomfortable, but I felt it could be done a little bit better and more adventurously in order to carry out the full extent of the intervention.


Instead of just sticking to my route from home and Vega, I changed things up and wore the flag all around town, on my scooter, and inside shops. I felt this would better maximise the concept and purpose of having the flag with me at all times, and also maximise uncomfortable-ness.


I walked around the city centre, purposefully heading into large crowds of people, to see what would happen. I had predicted that, like the day before, people would notice and chuckle to themselves. Surprisngly though, when I entered large crowds, people took notice and actually moved out the way and gave me some walking space. They could see me coming, and figured that it was meant to be an indication of a small person, and I legitimately felt that I was bumped-into a lot less than when I usually enter large crowds of people without a flag.


I suppose that this means that some people sympathise with short people, especially short males. Even though we can survive just fine in crowds, and don’t mind being bumped into like everyone else, I guess it’s nice to know that some people care enough to create a little space for somebody vertically-challenged, even though it’s really, really not necessary.


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