Day 8 – Oh, Theeeere he is

10342498_10152183719440698_6759968800597281857_nAfter a defeating weekend, I picked myself up off the ground and continued with my intervention as diligently as possible.


Today I fashioned myself a red flag on a long stick, and carried it with me everywhere I went as high as I could. This was a tribute to how, often in cartoons and comic strips, the youngest or shortest character wears a cap with a tall protruding flag so that the rest of his/her friends can see where she is.


It felt quite weird carrying the stick all day because a lot of people caught the reference and laughed or chuckled to themselves. I really don’t enjoy drawing attention to my height, or lack thereof, so it made me feel quite uncomfortable carrying an indication of where I was. I quite like being able to fade into the background when I need to, and this was impossible while carrying a huge flag around in town and at Vega.


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