Day 3 – Big, Again.

Today, I decided to wear high heels again, determined to be noticed!!!


These heels were much more bad-ass, and I decided to wear shorts instead of long pants so that they were more visible and noticeable. These heels were also much more uncomfortable, and made walking a lot harder, so a lot of the attention and weird looks that I did receive were purely from my lack of co ordination while performing the basic act of walking from A to B.


I didn’t feel as comfortable as I did on day one – the heels I wore on day 1 were much more discrete in terms of colour and appearance, so today many people assumed that I was “swinging the other way” or doing an intervention about crossdressing, which defeated the point of wearing them in the first place. I even got a few whistles.


So day 3 didn’t quite go as planned… Back to the drawing board!


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